Ask Again

I took a long drive today, down to San Diego to pick up my guitar which was having some repair work done (at Taylor – I got to take a tour – really cool place). The drive took several hours, and I got a chance to listen to the whole book of Hebrews on CD and spend a lot of time praying. It was good for my soul. I realized it had been too long since I really spent a good chunk of time in prayer.

Sure, I get some time with God every day. But I was convinced today that I am not consistently asking God enough to move in specific ways. I too often “play it safe” spiritually. That means I miss out on the faith-building experience of watching God answer –that “on-the-edge” feeling that makes Christianity come alive. With Jesus’ stories of the persistent widow, the dude who wakes up his neighbor in the middle of the night with a bold request, his continued encouragement to his followers to ask “in his name,” it is clear Jesus wanted us to ASK!

I want to do something different with this post. I want to ask something of you. Anyone reading this, if you have a moment, add a comment with any specific prayer request. It can be something deep and profound or something seemingly mundane. Let’s pray for each other and see what God does. (Just type something where it says “Leave a Reply” below.)

This is a song I wrote for my last CD, Remain in Me called “Ask Again.” (This seems to be one of people’s favorites from that project, by the way.) Also you can download the CD version for free here.

Ask Again – recording

Ask Again
Luke 11:5-13, Matt 7:7-27

The man awoke to the sound of a knock on the door
It’s after midnight, but his friend gets just what he’s asking for
Even earthly fathers give their children what they really need
It will be done for you if you believe

Ask again, give it time
Seek and then you will find
If you knock, the door will open for you
Ask again, give it time
‘Cause your father and mine
hears your silent prayer
He knows and he cares
Ask again

The gate is small, the road’s narrow that leads to life
And there are only a few souls who will find
You must watch out for those wolves who are posing as sheep
You will know them by the fruit of the tree

As you hear my word, you must decide what you will do
You can go on your way or believe that what I say is true
And if you claim to follow me you must obey these words that I say
Your house built on the rock will stand through the wind and rain

drums – Pete Wade
bass – Malcolm Turner
lead guitar – Makoto Otsuka and JBC
piano, keyboards, guitars, vocals – JBC

5 Comments on “Ask Again”

  1. Michael Aggabao says:

    Please pray for complete healing for my daughter Katrina who is undergoing chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. We just got discharged home yesterday. She had successful surgery on 5/12 for the removal of infected central line (IV line). Prayerfully she will get a new one next week. I’ve been begging our good Lord for her healing since we were four months pregnant with her , the time we found out that her chromosomes breaks.

  2. Michael Aggabao says:

    Please pray for complete healing for my daughter Katrina who is undergoing chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. We just got discharged home yesterday. She had successful surgery on 5/12 for the removal of infected central line (IV line). Prayerfully she will get a new one next week. I’ve been begging our good Lord for her healing since we were four months pregnant with her , the time we found out that her chromosomes breaks. love this song brian…I just got to keep asking!

    • jbriancraig says:

      Thanks bro – we have definitely been praying for your family. You will be a spiritual hero to so many as you continue to triumphantly battle through the hard times!

  3. mightywarriorlouie says:

    Hi bro, how do I get a personal copy of “Ask Again”? How can I download it? Thanks. =)

    • jbriancraig says:

      I thought there was a way to get it off my myspace page There used to be a little “download button” but maybe you have to be logged in to myspace to get it. I’ll try to figure it out. You can definitely get it from iTunes for $0.99 — just do a search on “J. Brian Craig” in iTunes and my stuff will come up. Thanks!

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