Great Communion Song – “This Salvation”

crossWhen it comes to worship, those of you that know me hear me talk a lot about engaging the congregation, making sure everyone is participating; I work a lot on congregational singing and whole-body involvement – that’s my ministry focus.  However, I want to be clear that I believe you can also worship through listening. Sitting back in a worship service and being ministered to by the message of a song can be just as powerful, if not more powerful, than a spoken testimony or devotional message from the scriptures.  There are some amazing performers in my local ministry here (although we hate using the word “performance” because what they are doing is not a “performance”– it is ministry) and we use special songs in many of our times of worship.

I wanted to share this example of a beautiful communion song written by a brother, George Sanders, and “performed by ” (delivered as a worship ministry by) Danny Figgins.  Danny’s amazing voice combined with the melody and words lifted from scripture really minister to my soul.  This would be a great set up for Communion – no spoken words necessary.  Just pray and pass the bread and wine!

This Salvation – Written by George L. Sanders, performed by Danny Figgins at the Seattle Church of Christ.


This salvation of eternity
is for those who have been and for all who will be

If you hear his voice through the whistlin’ wind
narrow’s the gate and just few go in

It’s dead of night
in the olive grove
he went to the father
as the air grew cold

Sweat turned to blood
with his face to the ground
praying a new way
salvation be found

Knowing the battle
had to be won,
“Not my will
but yours be done”

The large crowd came
despite his pleading
with swords and with clubs
and Judas leading


The holy king
stood before pilate
charges were made
but he stayed silent

“Weren’t you there
in the olive grove?”
Peter denied it
as the rooster crowed

A purple robe
a crown of thorn
it’s for this reason
that Jesus was born

Nailed to wood
put on display
heaven stood by
this fateful day


The look of the crowd
gazing upon him
some stared in horror
while some looked and grinned

Soldiers cast lots
the clothes of the martyr
as the son of man
cried out, “Abba, Father”

The cry was not hate
the cry was not anger
the love in his eyes
couldn’t be any plainer

As darkness reigned
it came to pass
“It is finished”
as he breathed his last

(piano refrain)


On the third morning
they went to the tomb
saw that the stone
had been removed

The tomb was bare
where Jesus should be
his life didn’t end
with him on the tree

The fires of hell
could not contain him
though all man’s sins
have been cast upon him

“See my feet;
see my hands.
I’ve risen to glory
do you now understand?”

This salvation of eternity
is for those who have been and for all who will be

If you hear his voice through the whistlin’ wind
narrow’s the gate and just few go in

This salvation of eternity
is for those who have been and for all who will be

If you hear his voice through the whistlin’ wind
narrow’s the gate and just few go in

2 Comments on “ Great Communion Song – “This Salvation””

  1. I totally love your concept of ministry through song.We do this other style(listening) more regularly in the Nairobi Church of Christ.Good to know it has a wonderful spiritual effect!

  2. Maria says:

    Tus palabras llenan mi alma, escucha la Canción de George Michael, me sonreíste como Jesús sonrió a un niño.

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