New Songs and Worship Styles: Interview with Broward Church Worship

Hello and happy Monday!  Today I would like to share a great interview I was able to record recently with my friend Tony Fernandez and his team at Broward Church (  Broward Church Worship has been releasing some awesome new worship songs, and they share a few of those and the stories behind them. We  also had a great conversation about navigating different church worship styles and some of the congregational dynamics that go along with potential changes in forms of worship expression.  Additionally, we spoke about online promotion, and the whole space of social media and how to think about that from a kingdom perspective. (I have been on a two month break from social media, just now getting back to it, and so that part of the conversation was helpful for me to think about at this very moment.)  Take the time to listen to the interview and please comment or add your $.02, either here on the blog or on the youtube posting.

Thank you for loving God, loving his church, and loving the music of the church!



Click here for lots of Broward Church covers of popular worship songs

Click here for new songs by Broward Worship

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