Hallelujah! Forever, an Anchor for My Soul!

We recently had a marriage retreat with quite a few couples in attendance from various congregations of the LA Church of Christ (a network of a bunch of ICOC churches in the LA area). We had close to 500 people there and it was so fun and amazing to hear that many people sing (especially after so much social isolation)! 

This opening medley of three songs was focused on our security in God – “a mountain, firm beneath my feet,” “forever God is faithful,” an “anchor for the soul.”  The first two songs are written by a couple of my church songwriting “mentors,” Brenton Brown and Chris Tomlin.  (Both write songs that are simple, easy to sing for congregational participation — something I most often aim for with my worship songs.)  I hope this song medley in the key of G reminds you of God’s ever-present faithfulness and fills you with Gratitude on this Thanksgiving week!

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