How Personal Story Frames Our View of Worship: Joshua Taliaferro

I love chatting with and learning from worship leaders who are younger than me.  Joshua Taliaferro and I have had a few great conversations through the years (hear an earlier one here) about worship ministry.  He contacted me recently asking for my thoughts on some of the challenges of building an eclectic worship set, having disparate styles of music that reach multiple generations of Christians and still have it flow well.  We decided to record the conversation so that others might listen and join in with their thoughts or input.  Please feel free to comment, share, let us know what you think.

We ended up also talking about Joshua’s personal story, and how for each of us, our spiritual journey has so much impact on how we view worship.  We spoke about generational challenges in worship ministry, Joshua’s perspective on ICOC past, present, and future, a bit of what he is doing to build worship teams in his congregation in San Antonio.  We end with the perspective of learning to enjoy operating in an eclectic and diverse worship space, enjoying the process of serving those in our congregations, like giving a gift to someone that we know they will enjoy (even if it’s not our own personal taste).  Good gift givers have the recipient in mind and enjoy watching them unwrap it.  Hopefully we can have a similar experience on Sundays as we roll out the worship service we have worked to prepare.

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